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Wreaths Across America's Trucking Tributes Presents Derrick Whittle with Cargo Transporters

Professional drivers and trucking companies give so much to the nation. Without the transportation industry, the Wreaths Across America mission to remember, honor, and teach would be nearly impossible. Veterans’ wreaths move by planes, trains, ships, and livestock trailers, but trucks and their professional drivers transport the lion’s share of America’s respect. In 2021, to be specific, 525 truckloads of wreaths were delivered, representing 390 different carriers.

In November and December, one of the busiest periods of the year for the transportation sector, the Wreaths Across America mission brings drivers together in an effort of unparalleled unity. With a positive, “can-do” work ethic, that unity makes it possible for Americans to honor millions of veterans laid to rest here at home and overseas. In 2022, with over 3,400 participating locations, in addition to Arlington National Cemetery, transportation logistics are immense.

Many of these drivers are veterans and say the truckload of fresh, balsam-fir wreaths is the most precious cargo they transport in their careers. Wreaths Across America highlights their steadfast commitment in the “Trucking Tributes” feature online and on Wreaths Across America Radio.

Sacrifice comes in many forms. Derrick Whittle could have had a college football career; instead, he carried on in his father’s and siblings' footsteps by serving our nation. “My father and uncle didn’t have much choice because they were drafted into service. When I joined, the country was talking about reinstating the draft for Vietnam, so I decided to volunteer,” Derrick shared. “My Father was Army, my younger sister was Army, my middle brother was Navy, and my Uncle was Army, but I chose the smallest branch and went into the U.S. Coast Guard. I don’t regret one minute of it, and regardless of what branch, I know what it means to honor that flag. We all signed the same contract to protect this country.”

Today, Derrick is a professional driver with Cargo Transporters and has been with the company for 30 years. “Actually, I wanted to drive for Grey Hound, but I wasn’t old enough. You had to be twenty-five, and I was twenty-two,” he chuckled. “My middle brother was already out of the service and involved in the trucking industry, and he opened some doors for me and got me started, and the rest is history.”

Derrick is also part of Wreaths Across America’s history, and he’s watched the growth and development of the organization. “After I got my first wrapped pride truck, I was told I had to go to Maine, “ he recalled his first experience hauling veterans’ wreaths. “In all my trucking travels, I had never been to Maine. You guys are like being on top of the earth. You’re up there, but it was impressive to me once I got there and started to meet the people. I said, ‘hey, these are hometown people, just like the people where I live.’ You guys are in the boonies up there, and I live in the boonies of Virginia. To actually see how Wreaths Across America works, you realize it takes people to do this, and I’m actually sharing a dream. It feels like family up there, and you treat me like family. The camaraderie with other vets and how you do things up there is exciting to be around.”

Cargo Transporters was founded by veterans Jack Brown and Forrest Pope, and both of Pope’s sons also served. Over thirteen percent of Cargo’s workforce comprises military veterans, and they have a military appreciation wall of photos leading into the company’s operations center. Part of Cargo’s fleet includes the Ride of Pride trucks from Freightliner Trucks. The Ride of Pride was initiated by Ed Keeter, a Vietnam War veteran, as a way to recognize military veterans. Derrick hauls veterans’ wreaths in one of the Ride of Pride trucks, and it's an impressive sight to see on the highway and staged in Arlington National Cemetery. “The truck I’m in now is actually the second truck I was assigned to as part of the pride program. You have to go to the plant on Memorial Day weekend, and they hold a full service where you receive the truck.”

Derrick says it’s tough to express how he feels in his heart about the role he plays in the Wreaths Across America mission to remember, honor, and teach. “When you see these kids out there waving their flags and shouting USA Proud, which is on my trailer, it’s exciting, and I want to teach them why the truck looks the way it does. I want to instill in them what this mission is all about. They may not see it now when they’re young, but they will. My father used to say, ‘son, what you do with a tree is get out there and bend it when it’s a twig because once it’s full grown, you’re not going to have much success trying to bend that trunk.’ He’s right, and as long as I still have some diesel in my blood, I will do everything I can to teach them that freedom is not free.”

It’s not going to be long now before our transportation partners come rolling into Maine to pick up the veterans’ wreaths that citizens are sponsoring in preparation for National Wreaths Across America Day, Saturday, December 17, 2022. We’ll be excited to see that Ride of Pride tractor and trailer roll in with Derrick’s big smile behind the wheel.

Thank you, Derrick, and all the folks at Cargo Transporters for supporting the mission. You can hear Derrick’s full interview on Trucking Tributes which airs every Trucking Tuesday on Wreaths Across America Radio at 11:00 AM and again at 4:00 PM (Eastern).