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Wreaths Across America's Trucking Tributes Presents Joe and Manny with DB Schenker

Professional drivers and trucking companies give so much to the nation. Without them, the Wreaths Across America mission to remember, honor, and teach would be nearly impossible. Veterans’ wreaths move by planes, trains, ships, and livestock trailers, but trucks and their professional drivers transport the lion’s share of America's respect. In 2024, to be specific, 800 truckloads of wreaths were delivered, representing 350 different carriers and partners.

In November and December, one of the busiest periods of the year for the transportation sector, the Wreaths Across America mission brings drivers together in an effort of unparalleled unity. With a positive, “can-do” work ethic, these professionals make it possible for Americans to honor millions of veterans laid to rest at home and overseas. In 2024, with over 4,909 participating locations, in addition to Arlington National Cemetery, transportation logistics were immense.

Many of these drivers are military veterans and say the truckload of fresh balsam-fir wreaths is the most precious cargo they transport in their careers. Wreaths Across America shares their stories in the “Trucking Tributes” feature online and on Wreaths Across America Radio.

There are two things in life that Joe Harmon has absolutely no regrets about. The first is joining the United States Marine Corp and the other is becoming a professional driver for DB Schenker. One of the statements the Marine Corp is constantly harping on is ‘honor, courage and commitment’ and those core values really spoke to me as a person,” Joe shared. “That’s why I chose the Marine Corp. I served four years at Camp LeJeune in North Carolina, and I was a motor transport operator, but it went way beyond just driving a truck for the Marines. I was doing logistics services and learning a bunch of different skills that translated in me being successful in the civilian world at the end of the day.”

Joe said after separating from the Marines, DB Schenker picked him up right away and mentored him for the first few years. “They really stood by their promise of supporting veterans and guiding us through the transition process of entering the civilian world after service. We are a bigger company but have that small company feel. Everybody knows your name and you’re not just a truck number around here.”

DB Schenker completed its acquisition of USA Truck in 2022, and that company had already established a relationship as a carrier for Wreaths Across America which DB Schenker continued to honor the mission.

Joe and his teammate, Manuel Flores, also a United States Marine Corp veteran both participated in hauling America’s respect in the form of veterans’ wreaths to Arlington National Cemetery in 2024. It was the first time the company had been selected for that load. “I remember the day that Tanya Rogers gave me a call and said that we had been nominated to go to Arlington National Cemetery. That was such a humbling experience because there are so many great drivers out there for DB and we got selected. It was such a huge honor.”

Joe and Manny drove all the way to Columbia Falls, Maine where the veterans’ wreaths are made. “We actually got to tour the whole facility up there and we got to meet Morrill in the factory. We saw the museum and we got to hang dog tags while we were there. You’ve got two Texas boys up there and you know, it’s really beautiful. It was cold and there was snow everywhere, but we were just taking it all in. You could tell that the people involved up there are genuine and really care about what they’re doing. It was super special and you don’t get to see that every day. Then we got loaded and headed for Arlington where we got to help distribute the wreaths to family members who were coming in for Family Day, there. It was just an incredible experience for both of us.”

Joe’s experience became truly personal and profound. “One of my friends is interred at Arlington National Cemetery and I got to transport the wreath that was placed on her grave, and I got to meet her family that day. I will hold that experience near and dear to my heart until the day that I die.”

Thank you, Joe and Manny, for your service to our country, and to DB Schenker for your continued commitment to the mission to remember, honor and teach.

If you’d like to join the Wreaths Across America Honor Fleet, you can get started with a click right here!

You can hear more with Joe on Trucking Tributes, which can be listened to every Truckin’ Tuesday at 11:00 AM and again at 4:00 PM EST on Wreaths Across America Radio and Wednesday at 8:30 AM EST as part of RadioNemo on Sirius XM Channel 146, Road Dog Trucking.”

Discover the Trucking Tributes archive playlist on Soundcloud.com