Remember Messages
Moss Kelly, Navy
Moss Kelly, Navy, Posted by: Kathy D.
In loving honor and memory of our father and grandfather, Moss Junior Kelly, United States Navy. Moss Kelly retired as a Chief Petty Officer after serving our country for 22 years. He survived 72 hours floating in the Pacific Ocean when his ship, U.S.S. Gambier Bay was sunk. Moss Kelly was a kind and giving man.
Moss Kelly, Navy
Moss Kelly, Navy, Posted by: Kathy D.
In loving honor and memory of our father and grandfather, Moss Junior Kelly, United States Navy. Moss Kelly retired as a Chief Petty Officer after serving our country for 22 years. He survived 72 hours floating in the Pacific Ocean when his ship, U.S.S. Gambier Bay was sunk. Moss Kelly was a kind and giving man.
Samuel DiGuardi
Samuel DiGuardi, Posted by: Diguardi
In honor of our father who served in the US Army during World War II. He is a purple heart, bronze star veteran.