Local Groups Supporting Us
OK0036P - Fairlawn Cemetery Association, Inc. of Stillwater, Oklahoma
Welcome to the Fairlawn Cemetery Association, Inc. of Stillwater, Oklahoma! Our location Sponsorship Group is proud to support our beloved cemetery and over 1,540 known veterans buried there. We will honor and remember EVERY known veteran at Fairlawn beginning with a Remembrance Service at 11 am CT (suggested arrival time is 10:30)! Please click "View" to learn more about our effort - and we would be grateful if you could donate to help us pay for our wreaths - and we invite your family and friends to join us by attending our December ceremony to lay the wreaths and audibly call each veteran by name and thank them. We will not forget! Thank you so much!
Welcome to Oklahoma! Our location Sponsorship Group is proud to support Antioch Cemetery and to help honor and remember as many veterans as possible. Please click "View" to learn more about our effort and then click "Volunteer" to join us for National Wreaths Across America Day. Thank you so much!