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Remember. Honor. Teach. Thank you for visiting my personal Wreaths Across America page. Please click the red “Sponsor” button to purchase wreaths to be placed on veterans graves on December 14, 2024 at 12:00 pm (Wreath Placement Immediately Following Ceremony) at Resurrection Cemetery. Also, if you would like to Volunteer to participate in the wreath laying ceremony, please click the “Volunteer” button or click the "Invite" button to invite your family and friends to attend Wreaths Day with you. Thank you so much for supporting me, my Sponsorship Group, and Wreaths Across America.

Sponsor Wreaths

Click "Sponsor Wreaths" to sponsor a wreath and help us reach our goal of honoring every veteran at the cemetery.

Sponsor Wreaths


Click here if you would like to participate in the wreath laying ceremony on Wreaths Day at the cemetery.


Click here to spread the word encourage your friends to sponsor, volunteer or keep up with our news.

The Mobile Education Exhibit's Schedule

Visit the Mobile Education Exhibit in your community!

Wreaths Across America Announces Matching Campaign from Norfolk Southern

The company will match veteran wreath sponsorships for placement at Marietta National Cemetery up to $100,000!

418 recent news items exist. Click "View All News" to see them all.

Location Information

MIRUCT - Resurrection Cemetery
18201 Clinton River Rd
Clinton Township, MI 48038, United States
Click here for the Resurrection Cemetery Page


December 14, 2024 at 12:00 pm (Wreath Placement Immediately Following Ceremony)

Kelley Parise, Lori Stillwell

Directions to Cemetery

Resurrection Cemetery is located at 18201 Clinton River Rd.  When entering cemetery, please follow signs to the Veterans' Section where the ceremony is being held promptly at noon.

Parking Instructions

There is plenty of parking at this cemetery, so feel free to park in any available spot.

Ceremony and Volunteer Information

We are happy that you are willing to help with our Wreath Across America ceremony at Resurrection Cemetery.  Please do not forget to register to volunteer! That way you will get all updates about the cemetery itself.  Wreaths are not placed until after the ceremony.

Here are some things to remember about the ceremony:

  • Everyone of all ages and backgrounds is welcome.
  • Our ceremony begins promptly at noon and wreaths will be placed after the ceremony.
  • Please help ensure that all participants get the opportunity to place a wreath.
  • Please follow the location coordinators instructions on where to place wreaths, as well as "how" they should be placed.
  • We especially appreciate volunteers willing to help clean-up. Please check in with the location coordinator if you are interested in helping with the clean-up.

The most important thing to remember is to have a wonderful experience participating in the ceremony and thank you so much for help Wreaths achieve our mission to remember, honor and teach.

This year we are adding a "teachable opportunity" for our youths.  We will have an essay contest (to those that would care to participate) in 3-4 different age groups. One would be 5-8 year olds, one 9-13 year olds, and 14-18 year olds. (If anyone has an educational background and thinks the age groups should be different, please let me know.) My idea would be:

1. Write a couple names of veterans they place wreaths on.

2. Research their names to find out about them

3. Write a paper on their hero.

Requirements would be different for each age group, but the main point would be the learning aspect of the heroes. I always tell my grandaughter Chloe when we go places that this is a teachable moment and that is a main focus of WAA. Medal of Honor recipient Jim McCloughan will sign shirts for the winner in each age group and there will be other prizes, too.   They will also be put them on my new website www.heroesofmichigantravelingmemorial.com The grand prize winner will also place the POW/MIA wreath next year.

Our Locations

MIRUCT - Resurrection Cemetery

Welcome to Wreaths Across America - Resurrection Cemetery and thank you deeply for helping us with our goal to honor as many veterans as possible on Wreaths Across America Day, December 14, 2024 (Wreath Placement Immediately Following Ceremony). Please click "View" to learn more about our effort or to volunteer to help or click "Sponsor" to purchase wreaths that will be laid on the graves of our fallen heroes by our loyal volunteers. There are over 8,500 veterans buried at Resurrection Cemetery and we would love to place a wreath on every grave.