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Roy & Debbie Wright
Roy & Debbie Wright
Posted by: Central KY Plumbing & Electrical Supply
Posted by: Central KY Plumbing & Electrical Supply
Posted by: Martha Devine
In memory of Patrick Harrington
Anthony Smith
Anthony Smith
Posted by: James E Miles
Posted by: James E Miles
Loretto, KY
Deborah Payne Wright
Deborah Payne Wright
Posted by: Clarence W. Murphy, Jr. & Melissa Murphy
Posted by: Clarence W. Murphy, Jr. & Melissa Murphy
Carter Willett
Carter Willett
Posted by: Juliea L Livers
Posted by: Juliea L Livers
Burton Otis Hannon, Army
Burton Otis Hannon, Army
Posted by: Mary K.
Posted by: Mary K.
In memory of my dad, Burton Otis Hannon who is buried at "Lebanon National Cemetery". He served in both Army and Air Force.
Richard Harry Gribbens
Richard Harry Gribbens
Posted by: Susan Wind
Posted by: Susan Wind
William E. Little, Army
William E. Little, Army, SGT
All who served
All who served
All who served
All who served
Clarence Price, Navy
Clarence Price, Navy, EMI
Born 1/8/1970
Passed on 12/27/2017
Posted by: Mary H.
Born 1/8/1970
Passed on 12/27/2017
Posted by: Mary H.
On the day Wayne died (I have to remember his first name, Clarence, which he never used, is how it appears on the headstone), as I was leaving to visit friends in another state, I looked down in my driveway and found a feather from a Scarlet Macaw. Wayne had bright red hair and a superior intellect which set him apart in any crowd. I had worried for the week he was hospitalized and knew that they'd left transferring him to a city hospital too late...and he died later that day, but I know, for some reason, whatever power that moves the universe sent me the feather so I would know he was at peace and that I could stop worrying about him. There aren't a lot of Scarlet Macaws flying loose in Kentucky, but one dropped a feather in my driveway on that day. I don't know how, but I do know why; like Wayne, they are a brightly colored exotic bird- always easy to pick out from among the ordinary. Rest well, friend; may you have fair winds and following seas.
James Caldwell, Army
James Caldwell, Army
Posted by: Leonard Mudd
Posted by: Leonard Mudd
You are missed. Thank you for your service to keep our Country safe.
Maura Hayes
Maura Hayes
Born 4/14/1938
Passed on 11/12/2004
Posted by: Bridgett Gathof
Born 4/14/1938
Passed on 11/12/2004
Posted by: Bridgett Gathof
Maura A. Hayes (Momma)
James Hayes, Army
James Hayes, Army
Born 8/25/1933
Passed on 3/16/2005
Posted by: Bridgett Gathof
Born 8/25/1933
Passed on 3/16/2005
Posted by: Bridgett Gathof
James E. Hayes (Daddy)
Domenico Marchese, Navy
Domenico Marchese, Navy
in memory of Domenico we miss you so much love you from all children grandchildren and great children great great children
Anthony Hutchins, Air Force
Anthony Hutchins, Air Force
our uncle thank for service miss yoy love you !