Remember Messages

Wade Pence, Army
Wade Pence, Army, PVT
Posted by: Cheryl M.
Given in honor of my father Wade H. Pence, Jr. WWII and Korean Conflict, PVT US Army
Robert Thomas Latimer, Army
Robert Thomas Latimer, Army
Posted by: Linda Vaughn
In memory of my loving father, who modeled integrity and devotion to his family.
Posted by: Elizabeth G.
God Bless all those who have served & are currently serving in the United States Armed Forces.
Alice Reiser Maurer, Air Force
Alice Reiser Maurer, Air Force
Posted by: Elizabeth G.
To our mother Alice F. Reiser Maurer. WWII Veteran and special wife & mother. The best mom ever; exceptional person. We miss you!!!
Major Jack Maurer, Air Force
Major Jack Maurer, Air Force
Posted by: Elizabeth G.
In memory of our father Major Jack R. Maurer. WWII Veteran and USAF retiree. The best dad ever, wonderful & generous. We miss you!!! Love from Liz & Kate
Posted by: Suzanne Brown
God bless all who put their life on the line so we can enjoy the Freedom our ancestors fought for. Thank you.