Remember Messages

Ernest McCullough, Army
Ernest McCullough, Army, Sgt
Born 10/6/1927
Passed on 10/2/2023
Sgt Ernest McCullough; US Army. A Compatriot, a loving husband, a true gentleman and hero. You will be missed, Mr. Ernie.
Clifford Schwarz, Navy
Clifford Schwarz, Navy
Born 10/11/1949
Passed on 4/3/2023
Clifford Schwarz, USN; dear friend who left this world all too soon. Rest in peace, Rusty. We love you and miss you, and we all know you and Dad found each other at those pearly gates.
Lawrence Harden, Navy
Lawrence Harden, Navy, O4
Born 4/14/1948
Passed on 3/12/2022
Lt. Commander Lawrence Elliott Harden, USN; loving husband, brother, father, and grandfather. We continue to mourn the loss of our patriarch. The world has been dimmer since your passing. We remember you with love, honor your service, and keep your memory alive by teaching the next generation about sacrifice and honor. We love you Dad!
Lawrence Harden, Navy
Lawrence Harden, Navy, O4
Born 4/14/1948
Passed on 3/12/2022
Posted by: Kristine R.
My father, Lawrence Elliott Harden, served his country faithfully for 30 years. He served in several in Vietnam and the first Gulf War; it was his honor and duty to look out for the sailors, marines, civilians, and families that he worked with each day. My father was a testament to diligence, hard work, love, and faithful service. We miss you Dad!
Posted by: Roark G.
Frederick W Galloway USAF A2C CA John L Newton USN CCM CA Samuel Pickerill US Army Private drummer OH Frank Contreras US Marines CA Fr Joseph T O'Callahan USN Captain MA John W Garrahy US Marines SSGT CA Fr Louis Salca USAF CA John A Newton US Army CA William Morarity US Army CA
Posted by: Paul Z.
Donald Gene Carr US Army Major TX Walter John Parozynski US Army WWII Pow PA
Posted by: William U.
George A Uberti US Navy Lt CA
Raymond Harden, Navy
Raymond Harden, Navy
Posted by: Lawrence Harden
Raymond Harden served in the U.S. Navy aboard the USS Union (AKA-106) homeported in San Diego, CA. He will be 87 years old in February 2021.
Robert Harden, Army
Robert Harden, Army
Posted by: Lawrence Harden
Robert Harden served in the U.S. Army during World War II. He is buried in Tucson, AZ. next to his mother Laura Mae (Layton) Harden and his father Lawrence Harden.
Kenneth Key, Army
Kenneth Key, Army
Posted by: Barry K.
Dad, Thank you for protecting us and keeping us safe after WWII. Your enlistment and service in Europe defending us from the Russians at a time of tremendous uncertainty is appreciated by your family and our nation. Please rest in peace, you are deeply missed.
Rudolf Simone, Army
Rudolf Simone, Army
Posted by: Barry K.
Uncle Rudy, Thank you for being there in Korea when our nation needed you. You are missed.
Anthony Palazzo, Army
Anthony Palazzo, Army
Posted by: Barry K.
Uncle Tony, Your service in Korea is a source of pride for your family and extended family. Thank you for being on the front lines and coming home. Life for us would not have been as much fun without you.
Milton Key, Air Force
Milton Key, Air Force
Posted by: Barry K.
Uncle Milton, Serving in both the Navy in WWII and the Air Force during Korea was an inspiration to our family. Thank you.
Jack Key, Jr., Navy
Jack Key, Jr., Navy
Posted by: Barry K.
Uncle Jack, Thank you for enlisting and doing your part in Europe in WWII. Your skills as a SeaBee made it possible for others to get onshore during and after the D-Day landings.
Oscar Layton, Army
Oscar Layton, Army
Posted by: Lawrence Harden
Oscar Thurlo Layton served in the U.S. Army National Guard, Wisconsin during World War I. He is buried in Tucson, Arizona close to his daughter Laura Mae (Layton) Harden.
Donald Harden, Air Force
Donald Harden, Air Force
Posted by: Lawrence Harden
My brother Donald Charles Harden who served in the United States Air Force and will be 90 years old this December 2020.