In memory of Kenneth Darrow, a great friend and Navy veteran.
Harold Kern, Army
Harold Kern, Army Posted by: JANET SIENICKI
With pride remembering your service, Joe Kern, Janet & Melissa
Thomas Grove, Air Force
Thomas Grove, Air Force Posted by: Cindi Grove
Always in my heart dad! I love you! Cindi
Russell there isn't a day that goes by that we don't think about you. Your charismatic presence, you witty personality, and extreme intellect will always have a place in my heart. We miss you greatly, The Grilley Family
Posted by: HIlary Okrent-Grilley
We will miss Joe's generosity, intellect, and sense of humor. We think of him often and we are honored to have know him. We are thankful for his service. The Grilley Family
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