Remember Messages

Posted by: Edward Dunkelberger
Thank you to all the brave veterans who sacrifice so much for our country.
Posted by: Lisa B.
To all of those that have served our Country....there are not enough words of gratitude. You've helped to make this world a better place with your courage, sacrifice, and dedication to our country.
Herman D'Achille, Army
Herman D'Achille, Army, Posted by: Louise D.
Herman D'Achille, Staff Sergeant, United States Army, World War II. Thank you for your service Dad.
Herman D'Achille, Army
Herman D'Achille, Army, Posted by: Louise D'Achille
Herman D'Achille, Staff Sergeant, United States Army, World War II. Thank you for your service Dad.
Herman D'Achille, Army
Herman D'Achille, Army, Posted by: Louise D'Achille
Staff Sergeant Herman D'Achille, WWII. Thank you for your service Dad.
Ronald Pflugler, Army
Ronald Pflugler, Army
In loving memory of my brother Ronald Pflugler, (aka Chubby), who served our country in The Vietnam War , from Robert Pflugler, Sr.
Charles Werkheiser Sr., Marine Corps
Charles Werkheiser Sr., Marine Corps, Posted by: Laurie W.
In memory of Charles H. Werkheiser, Sr. (Dad/ Pappy), USMC, who served our country during The Korean War, we miss you.
Herman D'Achille, Army
Herman D'Achille, Army, Posted by: Louise D'Achille
Staff Sergeant Herman D'Achille, WWII. Thank you for your service Dad.