2018 Wreath Laying

Eric Simmons wreath laying at his Uncle's stone

Rep. Dennis Keene with Cub Scouts

Walking in the rain to Evergreen Soldier's Lot

Placing wreaths
Evergreen Soldier's Lot 2017 Ceremony





KYESLS - Evergreen Soldier's Lot's Home Page Album

This is the Soldier's Lot at Southgate's Evergreen Cemetery in the spring. Here are where Veterans from at least 5 of America's wars are buried including the Spanish American, World War I, World War II, Korea, and Vietnam. This is where we will be placi
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The Soldier's Lot at Evergreen as it looks on 12/11/2016.
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The Youngest recipient of the Medal of Honor isWilliam Horsfall of Newport.
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William Horsfall's grave at Evergreen---
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Wreaths on Soldier's Lot December 17, 2017
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NKY "Young Marines" at 2016 Ceremony
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Simon Kenton SAR Honor Guard with Young Marines at the 2016 Ceremony----
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Rep. Dennis Keene addressing the crowd at the December 17, 2016 "Wreaths Across America at Evergreen's Soldiers' Lot in Southgate, Kentucky.
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