Remember Messages

Posted by: Marcell Nicklas
James Robert Nicklas, Jr., Corporal Active Duty 1966-68 Dallas-Fort Worth National Cemetery.
Bobby Wayne Day, Air Force
Bobby Wayne Day, Air Force
Born 3/9/1932
Passed on 6/13/2016
Posted by: Lisa Jarvis
Uncle Bob, you were one of the kindest persons I ever knew. We love and miss you.
William James Tucker, Army
William James Tucker, Army, TSG
Born 4/21/1926
Passed on 2/23/1976
Posted by: Lisa Jarvis
We’ve missed so many years with you, yet we still shed tears. We love and miss you.
Dr. Homer Allen, Navy
Dr. Homer Allen, Navy
Dr. Homer B. Allen Jr. was part of the famous Annapolis Graduating Class of 1942. They graduated in only 3 years because of the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Homer served on 3 different destroyers and a destroyer escort throughout the war. He was a Chief Engineer of the U.S.S. Kearny DD-432, Chief Gunnery Officer of the U.S.S. Watts DD-567, and as Executive Officer and navigator of the U.S.S. Rowe DD-564.
James Scott, Air Force
James Scott, Air Force
Posted by: Danny Willingham
Lt. Col. James Mac Scott was from Brownwood and served as a navigator during WWII guiding 25 Bombing missions into Germany. He served in Saigon during the Vietnam War and later in the finance department at the Pentagon.
James "Jober" Davis
James "Jober" Davis
Posted by: Tom Davis
In honor of my grandfather, James "Jober" Davis.