Kimberly Cornelious Born 10/25/1967 Passed on 8/29/2020
First Christmas without
Joseph J Fagan, Navy
Joseph J Fagan, Navy, COX Born 12/11/1923 Passed on 6/6/2005 Posted by: Francine Fagan
in honor and memory of my hero, my father. With all my love.
Your daughter Francine and Family.
John Semick, Marine Corps
John Semick, Marine Corps, corporal Born 6/21/1922 Passed on 11/2/1986
Mom and Dad,
We miss you both. Dad, thank you for serving your country with honor.
Your children,
Dan, Vic and Janet
Gene Cowden, Army
Gene Cowden, Army, TEC5
Gene Cowden, who served in the US
Scott D. Goodwin, Navy
Scott D. Goodwin, Navy, Lieutenant Posted by: Danielle Goodwin
In honor of our beloved husband and devoted father, our hero. We miss you dearly and love you very much. You protected us while here on earth and we know you are continuing to do the same from heaven. As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, it gives us comfort as we express gratitude to him for knowing that one day we will all be together again in eternity. Family is Forever!
Paul Bricker Jr, Army
Paul Bricker Jr, Army Born 5/24/1950 Passed on 3/13/2018 Posted by: Kim E Bricker
We miss you, Paul, and love you. Your loving wife, children and now four grandchildren.
Gene Cowden, Army
Gene Cowden, Army, TEC5
Gene Cowden, who served in the US
Jimmie McElwee, Navy
Jimmie McElwee, Navy Born 2/1/1947 Passed on 5/27/2021 Posted by: Elizabeth M.
Miss you
Kimberly Cornelious
Kimberly Cornelious Born 10/25/1967 Passed on 8/29/2020
First Christmas without
Kenneth Hill, Army
Kenneth Hill, Army Posted by: Jennifer F.
One of a kind… my uncle was and always will be…
Gene Cowden, Army
Gene Cowden, Army, TEC5
Gene Cowden, who served in the US
Kimberly Cornelious
Kimberly Cornelious Born 10/25/1967 Passed on 8/29/2020
First Christmas without
Donald Dempster, Air Force
Donald Dempster, Air Force, Staff Sergeant Born 12/31/1930 Passed on 2/11/2020 Posted by: Janet Booth
Honoring my father, Donald W Dempster for our first Christmas without him here with us. You are missed daily and loved immensely. Merry Christmas in Heaven.
Love, your family.
George and Georgia Behuniak, Army
George and Georgia Behuniak, Army Posted by: Marsha Behuniak Shirk
In memory of my loving parents (George & Georgia Behuniak) who both served in the Army during WWII. They met in Paris while on a weekend pass. A true romantic meeting that lasted their lifetimes. I'm thankful for their patriotism of this great nation.
Posted by: Daniel R.
All Veterans who have served the United States of American, many who made the ultimate sacrifice and to those who returned home and continued to serve by working to build this great nation in all the various jobs each performed. We can never thank you enough but hold you all in our hearts, in our prayers and in our memories. Godspeed....
Gene Cowden, Army
Gene Cowden, Army, TEC5
Gene Cowden, who served in the US
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