Photos of St. John's Lutheran Church Cemetery

Image #3954

Album from St John's Lutheran Church and School: St John's Lutheran Church Cemetery

Brenda Spieler and Students - Pledge of Allegiance





Barb Shimkus Placing Wreaths on WAA Day

US Veteran - Wilhelm Flamm who died in 1818

Entrance to St. John's Cemetery

Cropped image of cemetery

Gladys Smith - Salute - Ceremonial Wreath

Gladys Smith - Speaking on POW's and MIA's on WAA Day

Brenda Spieler - Head of School speaking on WAA Day

Color Guard - Retiring the Flags on WAA Day

Don Roussin, Jr. - Fletcher Camp (DeSoto)

Pastor Becker - Prayer on WAA Day at St. John's

Arnold, MO Mayor Ron Counts bringing greetings on WAA Day

Presentation of the Flags - Salute - on WAA Day

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