Remember Messages

PVT Richard John Whitten, Army
PVT Richard John Whitten, Army, Posted by: Pamela Aieta
PVT Richard John Whitten (1751-1845) of Unity, Maine, 3rd great-grandfather. A soldier in the Continental Army, MA Line, he served in the Revolutionary War (six years and 9 mos.) with his father Thomas and his brother John in Captain Rice's Company, 31st Regiment of Foot Soldiers. Buried at Fowler Cemetery, Unity, Maine. An excerpt from his obituary reads as follows: "Thus another veteran passing from the earth. Fame shall publish and genius chronicles their illustrious achievements...they shall live in the grateful remembrance of their descendants when the marble which commemorates their dust shall have crumbled...."
PVT Andrew G. Biggio, Army
PVT Andrew G. Biggio, Army, Posted by: Pamela Aieta
Pvt Andrew G. Biggio (1926-1944), was killed in action with the Fifth Army, Company B, 34th Infantry Division, on September 17, 1944, in the campaign in Italy. He saw action in Italy, North Africa, and Sicily campaigns. He enlisted while a senior at Boston Latin School. A hero to his family!
Joseph V. Aieta, LT CMD USNR, Navy
Joseph V. Aieta, LT CMD USNR, Navy, Posted by: Pamela Aieta
Beloved Father-in-law Joseph V. Aieta, LT CMD, USN, WWII (1918-2005), graduated from the College of the Holy Cross in 1940. He received his commission 'Ensign' from the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis in 1941. He was among the first class of "90-day wonders" at the Naval Academy and served aboard the battleship Wisconsin in the Atlantic and Pacific; he was elevated LT CMD. The family gratefully acknowledges Joseph's service and sacrifice to our country. Our Dad and Papa, we miss.
Charles Harootunian, Army
Charles Harootunian, Army, Posted by: Terah H.
My Father in Law served during the Vietnam War and continues to serve his country and honor fellow fallen servicemen at the Vietnam Veterans' Wall in Washington DC. He is active at the wall and helps others without question. He is also active with the Gold Star Moms. He is an example to all and his heart is immense. Thank you Charlie!
William B. Lonnroth, Navy
William B. Lonnroth, Navy, Posted by: Pamela Aieta
Somewhere up there in that promised land is somebody special in the palm of God's hand That somebody's missing from your life but remember, 'he's' away from this world of strife; Now don't you grieve an don't despair for someone in that land up there is the greatest reunion there'll ever be with dear, old friends and family. Our loved ones are there too, in that land of love, and they're watching us from up above, So don't feel sad and don't be blue, 'cause someday we'll join them, me and you. They'll be no more problems, just lots of fun, when we meet again with our wonderful one! Written by William's wife, Helen Lonnroth
Norris N. Pierce, Army
Norris N. Pierce, Army, Posted by: Pamela Aieta
Rest in peace Great great grandfather Norris N. Pierce, (1837-1916) Sergeant 'Quarter Master,' Army, First Maine Heavy Artillery, who fought in the Civil War, and survived the ill-fated Siege of Petersburg, claiming the lives of 600 brave men. He is buried at Mt. Hope Cemetery, Bangor, Maine .
Richard John Whitten, Army
Richard John Whitten, Army, Posted by: Pamela Aieta
In memory of Richard John Whitten, my Great great great grandfather (1751-1845), who came from Unity Maine and fought in the Revolutionary War. He was a private in the Continental Army, MA line, and served with his father Thomas and brother John in Captain John Rice's Company, 31st regt. of Foot soldiers. Buried at Fowler Cemetery, Unity, ME.