Remember Messages

Warner Wilson, Navy
Warner Wilson, Navy, Lt.
Born 5/16/2020
Passed on 1/8/2007
In loving memory of Warner C. Wilson, Jr. who served his country in World War II. We love you, Rusty & Steve
Marvin Renshaw, Air Force
Marvin Renshaw, Air Force, Lt.
Born 5/21/2021
Passed on 2/2/1988
Posted by: Constance (Connie) Wilson
In loving memory of our father, Marvin Renshaw, who served our country in WWII. We love you, Daddy. Becky & Connie
Paul H Morrison
Paul H Morrison
Posted by: Jean H Morrison & Martha M Morrison
Floyd L. Oakes, thank you Dad for your service to our country and our freedom. God Bess The United States of America.
Warner Wilson, Navy
Warner Wilson, Navy, Lt.
Served from 1942 to 1945
Born 5/16/2020
Passed on 1/8/2007
In loving memory of Warner C. Wilson, Jr. who served his country in World War II. We love you, Rusty & Steve
Marvin Renshaw, Air Force
Marvin Renshaw, Air Force, Lt.
Served from 1943 to 1946
Born 5/21/2021
Passed on 2/2/1988
Posted by: Constance W.
In loving memory of our father, Marvin Renshaw, who served our country in WWII. We love you, Daddy. Becky & Connie
Posted by: Sarah
Steven Roger Seals 05/03/1942 - 09/25/2021 Vietnam War, Capt, Army
Posted by: Sarah
Harmon Seals 10/20/1928 - 05/06/1981 Korean War, PVT, Army
Posted by: Sarah
Mathias Rauchbauer 1/6/1893 - 10/15/1960 WWI, 1st SGT, Army