Remember Messages

Keith Apiag, Navy
Keith Apiag, Navy, ET3
Born 6/30/1969
Passed on 10/3/1998
In loving memory of Keith Gawain Apiag of the United States Navy
Robin Borja Kaai, Marine Corps
Robin Borja Kaai, Marine Corps
Born 11/1/1947
Passed on 4/7/2008
Posted by: Willie E.
Gone yet not forgotten.. Love and miss you Unko Bin
Donna LG Borja Kaai
Donna LG Borja Kaai
Born 2/13/1925
Passed on 1/14/2008
Posted by: Willie E.
You may be gone from my sight but you are never gone from my heart. Love and miss you Grandma
Theodore Iona Kaai, Army
Theodore Iona Kaai, Army
Born 11/12/1923
Passed on 1/5/1978
Posted by: Willie E.
Grandpa... Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure. You are loved beyond words and missed beyond measure.
Posted by: Lucia P.
Thank you for your service. We will Never Forget!