Remember Messages

Anna Hickey
Anna Hickey
In memory of my grandmother, Anna
Joseph Hickey
Joseph Hickey, PVT
In memory of my grandfather
Chet Wichowski
Chet Wichowski, Posted by: Sulimay's Hair Design Inc.
Edward A F Boyle
Edward A F Boyle, Posted by: Robin D. Boyle & Edward Boyle
We miss you.
Benjamin L McKeeby, Marine Corps
Benjamin L McKeeby, Marine Corps, Corporal, Posted by: Alyce J Mckeeby
Edward R Hornbeck, Marine Corps
Edward R Hornbeck, Marine Corps, Pvt 1st Class, Posted by: Alyce J Mckeeby
Albert & Helen Dennis
Albert & Helen Dennis
Posted by: Bill & Jacqueline Dennis Miss you!
William & Jacqueline Jayne
William & Jacqueline Jayne
Posted by: Bill & Jacqueline Dennis Miss you!
Joseph & Dorothy Parsons, Army
Joseph & Dorothy Parsons, Army
Posted by: Bill & Jacqueline Dennis Miss you!
William A. Jayne, Jr., Army
William A. Jayne, Jr., Army
Posted by: Bill & Jacqueline Dennis Miss you!
Edward M McKinney, Jr, Navy
Edward M McKinney, Jr, Navy
Posted by: Bill & Jacqueline Dennis Miss you!
David G Delong
David G Delong, Posted by: Paul Petrilla & Mary Petrilla
Thank you, Dad. Love and miss you.
James C LAGERMAN, Navy
James C LAGERMAN, Navy, Posted by: Therese Wells
JAMES C Lagerman, Pearl Harbour Survivor
Larry N. Chiolan, Army
Larry N. Chiolan, Army, Posted by: Steven Chiolan
In honor and memory of my Father, Larry N. Chiolan who served in the Philippines during world War II, and to his loving wife, and my Mother, Kathryn M. Chiolan who held down the fort at home while you were away serving your country! You may be gone, but you we will never forget you!
E Robert Klemm, Army
E Robert Klemm, Army, Sergeant, Posted by: Bobbi K.
Robert Klemm, dad. I miss you every day.
Paul Wallace, Coast Guard
Paul Wallace, Coast Guard, Posted by: Rita G.
Thank you to all of the Veterans and their families for their sacrifice in protecting us! Our wreaths are in honor of our Dad, Paul Wallace, as a Coast Guard Vet from the Korean War.