Memorial Day Pandemic 2020

Sequim View Cemetary honoring Veterans

MTC Members after placing flags.

MTC Daughter and Husband of DAR placing flags during Pandemic 2020

Boyscouts placing flags

Obelisk and Ole Glory standing watch over our Veterans.

The hill with flags

Deeased MTC Daughter
Preserving Veterans grave markers

MTC Daughters and Children of the American Revolution

Daughters apply final spray of D2 that works with the weather to improve the monument.
Final preservation of D2

Agents used to preserve monuments. Safe for people, environment and the monuments/grave markers.
"Do No Harm" Cleaning agents
Northwest Colonial Living Encampment

MTC-NSDAR promoting living history and WAA

George Washington Inn with Colonial couple

Colonial Grandma and Grand-daughter

Colonial Soldiers shooting cannon

Colonial Wedding

Colonial children in colonial church service

Moving the cannon

Colonial harpsacord player at church