Album from Col Berta A. Edge Composite Squadron SER MS 048: WAA 2023

Honoring our heroes with respect and remembrance. Civil Air Patrol cadets standing tall, united in their mission to honor veterans this holiday season.
Cadets Crepps, West, and Bouchard

A salute to our heroes. Cadet Crepps stands in solemn honor, representing the next generation dedicated to serving our country.
Cadet Crepps

With respect and gratitude, Cadets Bouchard and Swarthout lay wreaths to honor those who served. Every wreath represents a life dedicated to defending our freedom.
Cadets Bouchard and Swarthout

Two cadets, one mission: to honor and remember. Cadets Bouchard and Swarthout pay their respects to veterans who served our nation.
Cadets Bouchard and Swarthout

Rows of honor and sacrifice. Each wreath symbolizes a life dedicated to the service of our country. Help us ensure every veteran is remembered.
Biloxi National Cemetery

A moment of reflection and gratitude. Cadet Crepps honors those who sacrificed for our freedom with Wreaths Across America.
Cadet Crepps

The resting place of countless heroes. Through Wreaths Across America, we honor each veteran's legacy, ensuring their memory lives on.
Biloxi National Cemetery

Cadet Bouchard takes a quiet moment of reflection, honoring the veterans who sacrificed for our freedom.
Cadet Bouchard

Saluting with pride. Cadet Bouchard pays tribute to those who served with honor at Biloxi National Cemetery.
Cadet Bouchard

Cadets stand in silent tribute as they honor a fallen veteran by laying a wreath, continuing the legacy of service and remembrance

Cadets carefully place a wreath, paying tribute to the memory of fallen heroes with utmost respect.

Cadets West, Hinkle, and Swarthout stand in solemn salute to honor the brave men and women who served our nation.
Cadets West, Hinkle, and Swarthout

In a moment of reverence, Cadets West, Hinkle, and Swarthout perform a salute, remembering those who gave the ultimate sacrifice.
Cadets West, Hinkle, and Swarthout
Album from Col Berta A. Edge Composite Squadron SER MS 048: WAA 2021

Cadets stand at attention, honoring those who have served and sacrificed for our country.

A moment of solemn respect as a cadet salutes the resting place of a fallen hero.

A cadet pauses to reflect, honoring the memory of a veteran.

Cadet honors veterans at the columbarium, remembering their sacrifice and service.

Cadets prepare wreaths, ensuring each grave is remembered during Wreaths Across America.

Placing a wreath and offering a final salute, these cadets pay tribute to our veterans.

Each wreath laid with care and respect, a lasting tribute to those who served.
Album from Col Berta A. Edge Composite Squadron SER MS 048: WAA 2022

Despite the rain, our cadets stood strong to honor our veterans. Their commitment to remembering those who served is unwavering.

With determination and respect, cadets braved the elements to lay wreaths on the graves of fallen heroes at Biloxi National Cemetery.

Even in the rain, cadets and volunteers came together to honor the memory of those who sacrificed for our freedom.

Cadets work as a team to ensure each wreath is placed with care and respect, paying tribute to the service and sacrifice of our veterans.

Cadet salutes after laying a wreath in honor of those who served. Rain or shine, we remember their dedication.

A solemn moment as cadets and volunteers lay wreaths to honor the fallen, despite the rain. Their dedication shows the true spirit of Wreaths Across America.

Carrying the wreaths with pride, our cadets stand as a symbol of respect and remembrance for the heroes buried at Biloxi National Cemetery.

Cadets gather for final instructions, preparing to honor the fallen at Biloxi National Cemetery with respect and commitment.

With reverence, a cadet carefully lays a wreath, honoring those who served our country, while another cadet continues the solemn duty in the background.

Despite the rain, our cadets remain focused, ensuring every wreath is placed with the utmost respect to honor the sacrifices made by our veterans.
Album from Hiring Our Heroes: Corporate > Hiring Our Heroes

HOH Soldiers in Field

HOH Parade

HOH Hiring Fair