DAR - WAA 2021

WAA Sea Cadets


WAA wreath 2

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WAA 2021 wreaths

WAA Sea Cadets


WAA Wreaths 2

Wreaths & workers
DAR Chapters - Wreaths Across America at Port Hudson

Memorial wreath for Lt. Col Phil Collins - superior fundraiser

2018 - wreaths with B R Pipes & Drums

2019 - volunteers placing wreaths

B R DAR with State Regent

2019 graves with wreaths

2019 Color Guard

2014 Wreath families

2014 Wreath attendees

2014 Ceremonial Wreaths

2014 - escorts for families to lay wreaths

2013 wreath laying

2013 Wreaths Across America
Album from Geaux Seven Chapter, LA7, of Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc: Misc