Remember Messages

I thank you for your courage, loyalty to our country, and above all your sacrifice. The greatest gift is to lay down your life for a friend. I am thankful for the men and women of the US Military! Because of you my family and I have freedom!
Francis Avery, Navy
Francis Avery, Navy
In memory of my dad Francis Avery who served in the Navy in WWII and Korea, he was killed in action during the Korean War. He died two months before I was born. I never got to meet him. His loving son Larry
Thomas J. Tubman
Thomas J. Tubman, 1st Lieutenant
Patrick A Tallarita, Army
Patrick A Tallarita, Army, Posted by: Kathleen Tallarita
Thank you for your service.
Posted by: Sonia P.
Thank you to all who have served and all that are currently serving. God bless you & God bless the USA. Keith & Sonia Edwards, Oxford, CT
Posted by: William M.
Tad Plamondon
Posted by: Constance S.
Charles J. Cremona
Posted by: Ellen G.
Anthony Gannuscio
Stanley pliszka, Navy
Stanley pliszka, Navy, Posted by: Kerri P.
Thanks for your service poppy!!
Phillip Jordan, Marine Corps
Phillip Jordan, Marine Corps, Posted by: Suzanna S.
I am grateful every day for my nephew Phil's sacrifice and service and his wife Amanda Jordan also.
Robert Bissonnette
Robert Bissonnette, Posted by: Barbara Lemire
Thank you to all who have served, are serving and will serve in the future. We are the nation we are today because of all of you. Thank you for your service!
God Bless all who have served. We thank every soldier for their selflessness as they choose to defend our majestic country with honor, pride and courage. Godspeed. The Stewart Family
CPL Stephen R. Bixler
CPL Stephen R. Bixler, Posted by: Anne Rossi
Stephen we will never forget
Stanley Pliszka
Stanley Pliszka
In memory of Stanley Pliszka
Carmen Gugliotti
Carmen Gugliotti, Posted by: mike gugliotti
Dad, gone but never forgotten, what you brought to us in life, will burn internally in our hearts, Love to you and a Merry Christmas!
God Bless all who have served. We thank every soldier for their selflessness as they choose to defend our majestic country with honor, pride and courage. Godspeed. The Stewart Family