CACSHC - Calvary - Sacred Heart Cemetery 's Home Page Album

2016 laying wreaths at Calvary, honoring our Veterans
Homepage Photo for CACSHC
Album from Gabilan Chapter - Daughters of the American Revolution: Remember and Honor 2021

Marine Color Guard at Mt. Hope Cemetery 2021

Marines Color Guard at Mt. Hope Cemetery

Marine Color Guard at Mt. Hope Cemetery

Mt. Hope Cemetery in Morgan Hill

Mt. Hope Cemetery Morgan Hill

Mayor Mark Turner At Mt. Hope Cemetery

Veterans at Mt Hope Cemetery

Regent Kris Hernandez and Historian Gaylis Ghaderi

Past Regent Mary Anders and Lisa Nantais at Gilroy Cemetery

Gilroy Cemetery
Album from Gabilan Chapter - Daughters of the American Revolution: Remember and Honor 2020

Mt. Hope Flags

Mt. Hope 2020

Gavilan Hills Memorial Park 2020

Neville Edwards Grave at Gavilan Hills

Gavilan Hills Memorial Park

WAA Monument at Gavilan Hills Memorial Park

Gavilan Hills Memorial Park

Gavilan Hills Memorial Park

Gavilan Hills Memorial Park

Gavilan Hills Memorial Park

Gavilan Hills Memorial Park
Album from Gabilan Chapter - Daughters of the American Revolution: Daughters of the American Revolution

Daughters of the American Revolution
Album from Gabilan Chapter - Daughters of the American Revolution: Remember and Honor 2019

Mt. Hope Cemetery, Morgan Hill, California
Opening Dedications

Mt. Hope Cemetery, Morgan Hill, California Gabilan Chapter member Kris Hernandez and cousin Jackie Berryhill lay a wreath on a family grave. After the opening dedications, family members are released to lay a wreath on their family's graves first
Honoring our Veterans

Each year, after the opening dedications, the families are allowed to go place wreaths on the graves of their loved ones first.
Gabilan Family Member Graves

Mt. Hope Cemetery, Morgan Hill, California 2019
Color Guard

Mt. Hope Cemetery, Morgan Hill, California 2019
Opening Dedications

Mt. Hope Cemetery, Morgan Hill, California 2019
Opening Dedications

Early in the morning, American flags are placed at each veteran's gravesite and citizens of all ages join with Gabilan Chapter DAR to lay wreaths throughout the cemetery Mt. Hope Cemetery, Morgan Hill, California 2019
Wreaths on Graves

Ruby Hart was a founding member of Gabilan Chapter DAR in 1987, a valuable member and dear friend. We lay a wreath for her and her husband, Bill Hart, a veteran. Mt. Hope Cemetery, Morgan Hill, California 2019
Gabilan DAR Founding Member Gravesite

Gabilan Chapter DAR members have been present at every Wreaths Across America day since it arrived in Morgan Hill. Our friends and family join us, as we work alongside community members of every age to honor veterans on this day, and throughout the year. Left to right: Elizabeth Krafft, Jackie Berryhill, Kris Hernandez, Romaine Veronda, Gaylis Ghaderi, Linda Tarvin Mt. Hope Cemetery, Morgan Hill, California 2019 photo by Don Veronda Mt. Hope Cemetery, Morgan Hill, California 2019
Gabilan DAR Members and Friends