Stats Gauge


2024 So Far
32 Wreaths Sponsored
20.1% to Goal
128 To Go!

REMEMBER the Fallen. . . HONOR those who Serve. . . TEACH our children the value of Freedom.

Welcome to the Minneola Cemetery's Wreaths Across America Page. 

On 12/14/2024, Wreaths Across America will be at Minneola Cemetery to Remember and Honor our veterans through the laying of Remembrance wreaths on the graves of our country's fallen heroes and the act of saying the name of each and every veteran aloud. 

There is NO ceremony at Minneola Cemetery. Wreath placement will be done by a small core group of volunteers.

Please help our location lay wreaths at as many graves as possible by clicking the red "Sponsor" button. Wreaths Across America!

Sponsor Wreaths

Click "Sponsor Wreaths" to sponsor a wreath and help us reach our goal of honoring every veteran at the cemetery.


Click here if you would like to participate in the wreath laying ceremony on Wreaths Day at the cemetery.


Click here to spread the word encourage your friends to sponsor, volunteer or keep up with our news.

The Mobile Education Exhibit's Schedule

Visit the Mobile Education Exhibit in your community!

Join Wreaths Across America’s Annual Giving in July Celebration

Support local Sponsorship Groups in your community while sharing the mission to Remember, Honor, Teach.

386 recent news items exist. Click "View All News" to see them all.


by FRANK K. for S/SGT., FRANK L. KOSAKOWSKI, AIR FORCE, Honored by Minneola Cemetery

by CAROL K. for SGT. CHARLES SCLALLUS, MARINE, Honored by Minneola Cemetery

Check out 4 "Remember" recent messages from our supporters. Click "View Remember Wall" to see them all.

Local Groups Supporting Us

FL0650 - Friends of South Lake County Wreaths Across America

Welcome to FL0650 - Friends of South Lake County Wreaths Across America! Our location Sponsorship Group is proud to support Oak Hill Cemetery and to help honor and remember as many veterans as possible. Please click "View" to learn more about our effort and then click "Volunteer" to join us for National Wreaths Across America Day. Thank you so much!

FL0236P - American Legion Auxiliary South Lake Memorial Unit 55

Welcome to FL0236P - American Legion Auxiliary South Lake Memorial Unit 55! Our location Sponsorship Group is proud to support 14 locations and to help honor and remember as many veterans as possible. Please click "View" to learn more about our effort and then click "Volunteer" to join us for National Wreaths Across America Day. Thank you so much!

4 groups support us. Click "View Our Groups" to see them all.